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  • Writer's pictureEmma Ayres

Innovative Intro Post Title

I'll be honest, blogging for myself isn't easy. When I spend my working week writing for other people, it's hard to open up my word processor and write for myself. I'm so used to working with client guidelines that having no boundaries to my own content feels both freeing and crushingly terrifying.

Good thing I'm much more of a "spread my wings" type of girl these days, huh?

So, here we are in the first blog post I've written for myself for over two years. I figured it was about time, honestly; even if this is another thing in the long line of things that I've given myself to do this year.

I might be an overachiever, but I'm gonna make damn sure everyone can see how good I am at overachieving and burning myself out. I'm a Leo, it's what I do 💁‍♀️

So, what am I actually going to talk about?

The biggest one is studying for my Cybersecurity degree. Which is huge for me. I've been doing bits and pieces on and off since about 2021, but this year I've gone all-in. Starting in October, I'll be studying part-time while I work. Clients new and old, don't worry - you're not getting rid of me that easily.

Around that, who knows? I don't want to throw myself into a box. This is for funsies, after all. It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to.

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